Joy Unveiled: Finding Purpose in Giving and Serving

With a pre-programmed western mindset, embarking on two consecutive mission trips to South Asia and the Dominican Republic was bound to be an eye-opener, especially as these were my inaugural missions. Transitioning from over 20 years in manufacturing and the tech start-up scene, I once believed that happiness was tethered to titles and salary figures.

This pursuit often led us to compensate for our dissatisfaction through material acquisitions like boats, houses, and luxury cars, hoping to impress those we might not even hold in esteem. My departure from the CEO role of a tech start-up marked the start of a transformation. Embracing minimalism, I sought fulfillment in experiences rather than possessions. The sale of my prized 36ft sailboat serendipitously led me to Ellen Abramson, a connection that would reshape my path.

Trusting in divine timing, rather than solely on analytical planning, can yield a more fulfilling journey. My journey, twisting through the sale of my sailboat and the friendships formed in its wake, brought me to an organization dedicated to global impact. The skills honed over my career have found new purpose in this lean, impactful organization, where every resource is maximized to change lives. This journey, possibly predestined, has been a humbling revelation of divine design, full of opportunities and synchronicities.

In South Asia and the Dominican Republic, I discovered unexpected lessons in joy. In South Asia's smoggy metropolis, amidst traffic chaos, I witnessed people savoring the moment. Two friends, sharing a laughter-filled ride on a motorbike, and families contentedly nestled on hay trailers amid honking horns, exemplified joy in simplicity. In Los Guaricanos, children played joyfully in rain puddles.

In the Dominican Republic, our mission team radiated joy during a child sponsorship Christmas event. Observing their joy in creating happiness for others was enlightening. The joy of giving – be it time, talent, or finances – was palpable.

We often dread the worst in situations, but what truly is the worst that could happen? If our happiness is externalized in possessions and we lose them, the loss seems devastating. However, realizing that completeness and joy come from within, fortified by the Holy Spirit, changes our perspective. True happiness lies in being present, releasing past resentments, and letting go of fear for the future. Trusting in God's plan, which often surpasses our imagination, is a journey of letting go and embracing a higher purpose.

In conclusion, these experiences underscore a profound truth: there is an unparalleled joy in giving and seeking purpose in bringing happiness to others. This joy is not fleeting or superficial; it is deep, fulfilling, and transformative. It's an invitation to each of us to look beyond our immediate confines and comforts, to reach out with generosity and an open heart. In doing so, we find a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment, discovering that in giving joy to others, we receive it manifold in return. Let us embrace this journey of giving, and in doing so, uncover the true essence of joy and purpose in our lives.


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