Israel Pilgrimage
Child Sponsorship Christmas Mission Trip
Child Sponsorship Summer Camp Mission Trip
Construction Mission Trip

We typically offer at least two to three mission trips annually…

  • Israel Pilgrimage

  • Annual Child Sponsorship Summer Camp

  • Annual Child Sponsorship Christmas

  • Depending on ongoing projects, one or two construction mission trips

If your heart is in mission work, please join us!

Child Sponsorship Christmas Mission Trip - Highlights

Israel Pilgrimage Mission Trip - Highlights

Ten compelling reasons to join a mission trip.

  1. Broaden Your Horizons: Experience new cultures, environments, and ways of life. Witness firsthand the challenges and triumphs of communities around the world.

  2. Personal Growth: Push your boundaries, step out of your comfort zone, and discover strengths you never knew you had.

  3. Forge Deep Connections: Build lasting bonds with team members and locals. Experience the joy of shared purpose and understanding.

  4. Make a Tangible Impact: Your contributions, whether physical or spiritual, can make a real difference in people's lives. See the direct results of your efforts.

  5. Learn & Share: Immerse yourself in the local culture, traditions, and beliefs. Share your experiences, knowledge, and skills with those who can benefit from them.

  6. Strengthen Your Faith: Engaging with diverse cultures and witnessing their faith can deepen and rejuvenate your own spiritual connection.

  7. Develop New Skills: From hands-on work to interpersonal communication in a different cultural context, you'll acquire skills that can be invaluable in personal and professional arenas.

  8. Humbling Experiences: Recognize the beauty in simplicity and gain a deeper appreciation for the blessings in your life.

  9. Expand Your Worldview: Interacting with various people, facing challenges, and overcoming obstacles will provide a broader perspective on global issues and human experiences.

  10. Become an Advocate for Change: With firsthand experience, you’ll be better equipped to raise awareness and champion causes you're passionate about in your home community.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey that promises not just memories, but personal transformations? Join us, and let's make a difference together. Become a fulfiller of dreams!